mag Dejan Novaković
Dejan is Adriatic Council Co-Founder, Co-President and Director; Founder and CEO Adriatic Business Solutions; Former State Secretary in the Ministry of Energy, Development and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Serbia; Former President of the General Assembly of the Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe (REC); Former full member of global the Trilateral Commision; member of the Serbian Chapter – Club of Rome and Former Secretary General of the Serbian Chapter. Dejan is the ideological creator of East-West Bridge, Belgrade, its philosophical platform and doctrine.

Co-President of the Council
Mag. Marko Voljč
Mr Voljč was born in 1949 in Jesenice, Slovenia. He served as Chief Change Officer of KBC Group NV from January 1, 2013 to May 1, 2014. Mr. Voljc served as the Chief Executive Officer of Central & Eastern Europe Business Unit at KBC Bank NV, as the Chief Executive Officer of K&H Bank Rt, from April 27, 2006 to April 2010.